EVERYONE Needs A Coach!

It’s not me who is saying this; it is the celebrities of the world

Everything positive happened in my life; it happened because of coaching. I have realized who I am, and my passion changed my career, and I am now doing what I'm passionate about because of coaching.

I became one of the finest leadership coaches in the region because of coaching, and I have built my business with the help of a coach.

Not just that; I have also changed so many people's lives by being their coach; they made peace with themselves and the world, became liberated from their limiting beliefs; achieved higher sales and progressed in their careers, and became great leaders.

So I believe that coaching is the way to improve lives, whether mine or the people I coach.

Now What Do You Want To Work On?


Life Coaching

We live our lives doing the best we can, we go through experiences, make mistakes, we learn & develop our lives as we go.

Our learning curve when we are young is steep. As we grow older at some point, and in some areas of our life, that curve becomes flat and we feel stuck in that area.

We don’t know what to do. I’m telling you this from experience, I have been stuck before and more likely, I will feel this way again, that’s normal; do you feel the same ?


NLP Coaching

Have you ever felt trapped? As in, you keep trying to achieve something, you keep trying, but nothing seems working?

Maybe you know you have certain patterns and you don’t know what to do about them. Maybe you always start things but you don’t finish them; or you keep jumping from one career to the other; or always having problems with managers, peers & relationships?

This could be a result of one or more traumas. I can help you break free from those limitations so that you can feel free to achieve and be whatever you want.

Entrepreneur Coaching

So many people think that the entrepreneurship is about making money; in my prospective; it’s not, it’s about freedom, challenge, passion & finding a meaning and purpose in life; do you feel the same way?

But here is the thing, we embark on this journey of entrepreneurship with hope, positivity & confidence. Learning learn about the process, the technicality & the business has many resources to cover, there incubators, accelerators ; but we missed something important for our success; our mindset; & this my friend is my speciality.

Don’t Want To Reveal Who You Are?


Some clients wants to keep their identity concealed; I understand that; If you are not comfortable to say who you are or don't want to give out your name or face; try my new service “ Anonymous  coaching” , you can use a nickname, and in the zoom calls , you don’t have to show your face.

All you have to give out is an email that you use when you don’t want people to fine you; that’s all. If this is what you want; get in touch today and let us work together, while you keep your privacy

*This service in not available in “ NLP coaching “

What My Clients Say

“I can never thank you enough.... that was great... your support made me finally reaching without faking it

Finally i found silence.... without you I wouldn't have made it out of my darkest era... No matter how many years pass, it will be forever you who saved me....”

— Donia Konswa - Life Coach, Timeline Practitioner


“I have had the opportunity to work with Ahmad 1:1 & have found him to be a life-changing coach with a rare intuitive power that allows anyone working him to unleash their full potential.

Ahmad helped me overcome my limiting beliefs, developed from working in toxic work environments. His exceptional ability to identify development areas & uplifting coaching style helped me restore my positive outlook, enthusiasm and confidence.

From my very first session with him, I was able to see results. Working with him was magical & I could see a change in myself overnight (no exaggeration!). Anyone planning to work with him should not think twice!.”

— S.S (private client)

“The best thing about Ahmed is that he is passionate about what he does. I felt that he was invested in the process just as much as I was, sometimes drawing on his personal experience to illustrate a point.
Knowing that your coach really cares is priceless & very rare in this profession. I would whole-heartedly recommend Ahmed to anyone who is struggling with an issue & isn't sure what to do.”

— Sally - Director of AI products - London, UK


“In our lives, there are many incredible people who inspire & mold our character & future. These mentors & leaders come in all shapes & forms, never failing to provide motivation & advice. For me, such inspiration comes in the form of a coach. I attended several coaching sessions with Mr. Ahmed to prepare me & improve my skills to represent my organization in the International Zoo Education Conference. During this journey Mr. Ahmed was incredible, he was absolutely committed & dedicated to enhance my presentation skills.

The presentation was very successful & powerful, most of the audience posted a picture about my presentation & I felt very proud of this achievement. I’m extremely thankful for my coach for his positivity & encouragement. ”

— Shamsa El Shamsy - Manager - Abu Dhabi Government